Shapley's Original M-T-G Plus
You asked…and we listened. Original M-T-G plus is the same great formula producing the same great results but with a new, light herbal fragrance. People who have disliked the smell of our Original M-T-G can now use this new twist on the original and enjoy a fresh herbal scent!
Developed by a barber in 1938 to treat human skin conditions, Original M-T-G has proven itself to be nothing short of miraculous for horse skin issues. Original M-T-G is time tested and proven. It is veterinarian recommended as the only solution needed for a variety of bacterial and fungal skin problems.
Original M-T-G and now NEW Original M-T-G plus treat a variety of skin problems quickly and easily with results seen as soon as a day after the very first application. Original M-T-G and Original M-T-G plus successfully treat the following conditions: rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever, greasy heal, sweet itch, girth itch, itchy skin, dandruff and tail rubbing. It has been touted to work on thrush and white line disease.
Original M-T-G and NEW Original M-T-G plus are formulated to eliminate the causative agent creating the skin problems so it treats at the source to dry up and heal the affected area. Its special ingredients also condition the skin and hair around the problem area which promotes both healthy skin and hair regrowth. Original M-T-G and NEW Original M-T-G plus keeps the skin conditioned while creating a barrier against the elements. It offers quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days.
Original M-T-G and NEW Original M-T-G plus are easy to use. Just rub a small amount into the affected area without disturbing or picking the scabs off. There is no need to rinse or wash out between applications. Once the area is healed and you want to wash the residue off just use Shapley’s Hi Shine Shampoo which is specially formulated to remove Original M-T-G and NEW Original M-T-G plus quickly and easily. Shapley’s Easy-Out spray will also remove both versions from the horse and from your hands.
Original M-T-G and NEW Original M-T-G plus have another, also miraculous, use. It will grow mane and tail hair by as much as 3 inches a month. It is tested and proven by users to grow hair length and add volume. It creates a healthy environment for the hair follicle which results in maximum hair growth while keeping the hair soft and pliable to minimize breakage. All you need to do to grow mane and tail hair is to rub a small amount one time a week at the base of the mane and on the tail bone of the horse. Again, there is no need to rinse or wash off between applications.